How To
Make At Least $500 Every Day With
Fiverr Cash- A Comprehensive Pictorial Guide

Is it Not High
Time You Make A U-Turn?

Despite that this ebook cost me money, l
will still post it to share it with you who have been looking for ways to make
money with fiver. If you are ready, get set to as I take you through these
tested and proven systems that won’t make you $50,000 overnight, not even
$10,000 overnight…


Can comfortably put $500 into your bank
account if you are serious.

Are you serious, let’s go!

Let me start by saying this is
one of the more simple ways in generating quick income for yourself on a daily
basis. With this method I’ve made good amount by utilizing tips efficiently
when advertising through Fiverr. That is why I decided to write this post.

Let’s begin
by describing what Fiverr is:

Fiverr is a service which lets
you post jobs that you can do for people for $5. They’re called ‘Gigs’ and you
can create as many as you want. They pay via
PayPal. I will show
you step by step in creating gigs, writing a detailed report pointing people to
a product inside the pdf and sell THAT report on Fiverr for $5 but it doesn’t
stop there.

If you don’t know what Fiverr
is and have never heard of it before – you can check it out at

Now, what you need to know is;
this is specifically pointed towards quick, odd jobs, reports, services,
information on certain things so by knowing this we’re going to utilize one of
these as an example: free ipad giveaway.

Up Your Fiverr Account:

This is very simple – first
you’re going to want to take a look at how Fiverr operates. Much of what I’ve
said above this is basically how Fiverr runs. Your first step is to join Fiverr
by clicking “Join” at the top.

Once you’ve clicked join an
Ajax window will popup asking you for your

signup information – put in
whatever is necessary and click ‘Join’
as shown


Once you’ve clicked Join you
will be registered – make sure you confirm your e-mail through whatever e-mail
service you choose. If you don’t confirm you obviously won’t be able to post
gigs and make money.

The next step involved is
you’ll want to put in the correct information; your
PayPal e-mail
address is the MOST important. These guys only pay through

PayPal so if you don’t have
one and don’t have the funds to create a new one, you can just create a new
Gmail account and use the email as your PayPal email address. Such that when
you are due to receive your funds, you can quickly go
HERE and get a USA
verified PayPal around the Gmail address you created.

Once you’ve filled in the
proper information, click Save and
go to the next step.

Once you are done with that,
simply login and head to make your first gig (post).

Now once you’ve done this –
you need to setup your gig. Your gig if you don’t remember is the job you’re
posting on Fiverr for $5.

Like I said before we’re going
to use a free ipad report ABOUT the ipad and

ipad tips and anything related
to the ipad. The whole purpose here is to write a simple 500-1000 word report
describing the ipad and introduce them to a free ipad CPA offer at the bottom
of the report. So once again, they’re purchasing the $5 report but there’s also
a chance you can make a little bit of extra cash off of them for filling out
the CPA offer. I’ve made $45 a day from this method and it SITS on autopilot.
The ideas here are limitless…

Here’s some sample ones THAT

cpa instruments

blog posts on latest research on min-body healing

a XML Gateway for Database

me get lot of twitter followers for the best

on earth

an iPhone app.

me get started in graphic design

css on a website.

a girl for a photoshoot. Samples needed.

a girl for a short video advertisement.

a word doc with images and links into HTML for an email newsletter

audio files into podcasts

my web series

one complete minisite Wordpress theme(how to draw wolves).

my thumbsup script to work properly with my wordpress theme

Now, these suggestions are
mostly jobs involving knowledge of HTML or

design of some sort. But A LOT
of people routinely give out free reports to

advertise their sites. This is
where CPA comes into play.

Back to
setting up your gig…

You’re going to want to click
Start Selling’ at the top of the
Fiverr website.

This will take you a page that
looks like this describing what you currently

already have, what you’ve made
from each and so forth. In your case, you get something like this.

Click ‘Create First Gig’ at the bottom of the Gig page, this will take you

where you’re going to setup
your VERY FIRST gig! The next page should look exactly like this:

As you can see here, I’ve
already given them a reason to click my link – A

report on how to get A FREE IPAD. People will bite at this
like CRAZY!

The title is simple and to the
point – you’re going to show them how to get a

free ipad for $5.

In the description section
you’re going to write little sales pitch to the

customer on why they should
get this product.

The keywords and tags are
going to be used efficiently because this is how

people are going to find your
gig and obviously it’s going to be how your gig is categorized.

What I did for the image was
literally went to
www.google.com/images and

searched for images of an ipad
and upload it with the gig.

Make it a maximum of 2 days to
complete the gig , you can really set this to

what you want but ultimately 2
days should be more than enough time to

send them a report via e-mail.

Once this is all finished
click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the

This is what your gig should
look like after you’ve completed the setup

process of it.

Now your gig is completed, you
don’t have to do anything else to your gig setup. Once you’ve done this, you’re
going to want to write your report.

Basically, the report doesn’t
have to be fancy at ALL. Do your research on the market you’re going for. In
this case, if you’re going for the ipad then you can write a detailed report on
what you know they want when it comes to an IPAD.

At the bottom of the report
you’re going to direct them to your CPA offer. (more on how to get this link

Signing Up
With CPA

Don’t go looking for CPA
networks that will accept you; quickly sign up with any of the following and in
less than 24 hours, you are approved:

Once you are approved, login
and choose any IPAD offer. Generate your affiliate link and add it to the
report which you’ll be sending them after paying for your gig.

Getting Paid:

Now, all you have to is sit
back and let the Fiverr orders come in, what I would do is continually come out
with a new report on various other freebie CPA offers every week or so – this
should keep your money flow consistent and allow you to make a solid amount of
cash on a weekly basis.

When your work is finished
with person who purchases it, they will confirm the work delivery and Fiverr
will then credit your account with $5. That’s right, $5! They don’t take any %
out of it at all!

You also earn from the CPA
offers. From my experience, I have found out that 7 out of every 10 people that
purchased the report will go ahead to fill my CPA offer (in order to get free

That’s earning from 2 ways –
You earn from selling your report at Fiverr again from CPA conversions.


I hope you got the gist!

So basically, this is what
you’ve done through this step by step guide:

1) Setup a Fiverr account,
setup a gig offering a free report for a certain niche. There are many of them.

2) Inside the free report is a
link to a freebie CPA.

3) Use CPA offer link for CPA

This can be done in a
multitude of ways, the beauty of this method is that you CAN do it so many
different ways – and I encourage you to. I know I will be.

For instance, you can actually
if you want – Another route you could also take is the use of multiple PayPal
accounts, multiple Fiverr accounts and do a mass submission of reports for
$100’s a day! The other beauty of this is you can offer free reports, web services,
ANYTHING! The choices are YOURS. It’s time to profit NOW!

Earning Potentials:

$5 a sale through Fiverr,
$1.25 a sale through your CPA offer. That’s $7.25.

Multiply it by the number of
gigs you can create daily… that’s how much you make. Can you create 10
different gigs daily, selling 10 different reports, then be ready to be making
$7.25 X 10 = $70.25 cool!

 If you are certify with what you have read JUST NOW then click HERE to order for the
videos that explain everything in details how l earn more than $1000 within a
month from FIVERR.

That’s it!

NOTE: Don’t forget to do this from different Fiverr accounts.

I wish you incredible success.



In my next post am going to show you how you can make more
money with fiverr. If you love this post please click on the share botton to
share with your friend. Am sure they will thank you for that. If you don’t want
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Visit www.ebookmarketingpro.com or call 07032723698 for more information. To
your success

Taiwo Ibiyemi

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