Ever since I introduced the Fabtras Trading System to Nigeria, I have received a lot of questions.

I’m writing this post to answer most of the questions have received.

Lets GO

What is Betonmarkets?

>Betonmarkets is a financial betting platform that allows you to make money if you can correctly

predict the direction of the markets.

>I have attached a copy of Introduction to betonmarkets to this email. Download an go through it. Dont forget, the full version of this guide will be given to you free.

What is Fabtras?

>Fabtras is a trading system that gives you the insight on the direction of the market so that you

can predict and make money from betonmarkets.

Why is it called Four A.M?

>Because it only works by 4am GMT. Note: 4am GMT is 5am in Nigerian time. Nigeria is GMT +1.

How do I fund and withdraw from betonmarkets?

>You can use any Visa card from any Bank. Or simply work into any UBA and get an AFRICARD. It’s a Naira Visacard. With this card you can fund and withdraw from betonmarkets anytime, anyday. Note: You don’t need an account with UBA to get the card. Just go with N600 and you’ll get it instantly. OR you can make use of payment agents eg www.exchangebom.com www.epaynigeria.com www.naijacreditcards.com

Is Betonmarkets Legal?

>Yes, 100% Legal. I call it Forex simplified.

Can I use my phone to Trade Betonmarkets?

>No! You’ll need a PC.

Cant I make more than N1600?

>You can, but am not guaranteeing you that. But you’ll make N1600 everyday, Monday to Friday. 100% Guaranteed.

How much do i need to get started?

>Minimum of $20 (N3350)

Will the 3 products you listed on the webpage added if i purchase?


What's the current price of Fabtras, i saw N2950, N3450 and N16000?

>The current price is N3450, which will end in 2 days time. (31st Nov)

How do i order?

Follow the link below... www.swifthostplus.com/fabtras.htm

Click on OrderNow to pay online or make cash deposit through the account listed there.


Dont forget, the payment system is automated, it will switch to N16,000 at 11:59pm 30 Nov. that is just 1 day from now.

If you have any other question that is not answered here. Kindly hit the reply button and send me a mail. I will reply you within 20mins.

Thank you for your time

I remain my humble self



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To your success

Taiwo Ibiyemi

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