The money making ideas contained in this info if well acted upon, is capable of generating times 50 of what ever you may have paid to the scammer in 7 days.
Please do click on the share button above after reading this report, who knows may be you might change lives of your fellow colleagues.
Though this info is free, this report will try to help anyone that reads it and decide to take action right away, tackle an issue that has posed a major roadblock to internet business in Nigeria and in other places.
This issue is not the choice of the kind of internet business to engage in, but the issue of the kind of business that has a payment system that favors you.
For example, if you’re working with a company like Paydotcom; that pays its affiliate via PayPal, except you’re smart enough to own your own US PayPal, don’t know what a PayPals is read it here, you MUST need to contend with the issues of PayPal (Hint: PayPal does not accept Nigerians & residents of other countries!)
In such cases, if you try to do things yourself without the basic information about opening and running a PayPal account from Nigeria, you may loose your money on the long run! No body wants this I guess!
Ok…. You’re tempted to ask… Should Nigerians then quit internet business on the altars of these unfavorable cases, since most of these online businesses require that one own a PayPal?
No; if you ask me! And I have two convincing escape routes:
· It’s either you get yourself the necessary tools and information required to beat the road blocks, or
· Look for the business models that can pay you into a processor that accepts you; and in this case Liberty Reserve does.
This brings us to the main focus of this report; How to Make Steady & Cool Dollars into Your Liberty Reserve Starting with Just $10.

Let’s go…
What You’ll Need
· A Liberty Reserve Account
· A minimum of $10 funded into it.
· The Site that does the magic
· Setting it in auto pilot
· Profit and profit.
What is Liberty Reserve?
Unlike most other payment processors, Liberty Reserve accepts Nigerians and it’s free to sign up. It is an account-based payment system where you can store value in U.S. dollars and transfer payments to others and receive payments from others. It is safe, reliable and confidential. With Liberty Reserve, you can send and receive payments from anyone, anywhere on the globe in just minutes! If you would like how to read more on liberty reserve on how to open it fund it and withdraw from it click HERE
Creating Account With Liberty Reserve
Liberty Reserve is FREE and easy to sign up. Click HERE to register. When the site opens, click on CREATE ACCOUNT and a new page will appear. Here, you will see an online form to fill. Fill it accordingly and within 3 minutes, you’ll be a proud owner of Liberty Reserve account.
Funding Your Liberty Reserve Account
Once your Liberty Reserve account is ready, the next step is to fund your account with a minimum of $10.
There is handful of reputable Liberty Reserve exchangers in Nigeria. Do carry out your search diligently and use anyone that you may like.
Here are 2 I’ve used before;
NOTE: Because Liberty Reserve will charge you 1% of $10, you will need to fund your account with $11 to have about $10.90 in your account after the funding. Also read more on liberty reserve here on how to fund and wthdraw from it.

Making the Money – The MAGIC System!
This section deals with making the money into our Liberty Reserve proper. The system is a kind of new and I can authoritatively tell you that it’s trustworthy and here are few more reasons you should trust it:
· Your earnings are never kept elsewhere other than in your Liberty Reserve account: Once you make money from this system, your earnings goes into your Liberty Reserve account. Hence, eliminating the fear of loosing your money in case there’s a problem; which will likely never be in this case! (Believing God though!)
· Earnings are never compounded!
· The system uses strong referral arrangement to make sure that you get’s all your earnings you deserve.
· Presence of a Facebook fan page where you can discuss issues related to the program.
· You can also make money even if you choose never to promote.
· Presence of a contact us form you can always use in case you run into any problem.
With all the above, you can see that this program is worth investing on if you really want to see some dollars roll into your Liberty Reserve account continuously.
Let’s Move Fast To Get The MONEY... No time!
I now assume you have $10 in your Liberty Reserve account following the instructions I gave earlier.
And if that’s true, let’s proceed to the website that does the magic proper: Prime10Cash.com {Use Mozilla Firefox for better view}
When you get to the site, click on JOIN NOW.
You will see the three names to be paid. Select the I Agree box and click on JOIN NOW.
Once you click on JOIN NOW, you’ll be taken to a page like the one below:
Click on Pay with LibertyReserve.com
Click on Login and you’ll be taken to the next page; Login your Liberty Reserve details.
Tick the box and click on Continue
Continue at the next page; Click on Login.
Login and you’ll be taken to the next page. Using the screen keyboard, fill in your Login PIN;
Then you’re taken to the transfer page; Fill in the your Master Key
Finally click on Confirm on the next page.
Once you click on Confirm, you will end up transferring $4 to your sponsor (that’s your referrer) and will be taken to another page. Click on Return To Merchant.
You’ll be made to go over the process two more times again.
While the second payment of $2 is paid to a random member, the final payment of $4 is made to the Administration team.
That is to say that; you will be paying the person who referred you $4, then a random member $2 and finally $4 to Admin for a total of $10.
Please make sure you complete the process in order to receive your personal website and resources to start making money with this system.
Upon receipt of all payments, your account will be created where you will receive your promotion URL, check your stats, and be added to the site rotation for payments from signups made under your account rotation.
All payments go directly to the members accounts. No waiting to get paid, the money is credited to your account instantly
Once you are done with the 3 payments, you’ll be prompted to fill in your user details and gets a referral link like the one below:
Where xxxx represents the username you chose while registering.
The link is too long right?
Why not we make it shorter and easily memorable!
To do that, head over to www.TinyURL.com and shorten it.
The new link is what you’ll promote to your friends if you wish to keep earning $4 from anybody you refer and he/she registers with Prime10Cash.com. Even if you choose never to refer anybody, you’ll also be earning $2 randomly.
But, why shouldn’t any serious person follow the easy referral tips listed below that once set up, will keep making him/her $4 over and over again?
How to promote your referral Url for more LR cash.
1. Facebook: Facebook is for sure one good place to promote your referral URL.
You’ve got lots of friends on Facebook right? Why not tell them about this new secured online system you just found out that helps them make money into their Liberty Reserve account.
- Announce it on your Facebook wall.
- Create Facebook notes about it and then share it with all your friends.
- Create Facebook Group around it. You can give it a name like “How I Make Money Into My Liberty Reserve Account Daily!” Once your group is created, invite your friends to it and also encourage them to invite their friends and always share their experiences and problems with the program on the group wall.
If you have say; 1000 friends on FB and only 400 joins, within a period of 1 month, your group will grow as a result of Facebook viral effect.
You can also share this ebook with them and encourage them to share it with their friends. Check the end of the report for how to get a copy personalized with your Prime10Cash.com url.
- Search for Facebook groups with large number of members and contact their admin. Ask them to help you broadcast your Prime10Cash.com personalized ebook to their members in exchange for a favor. The favor could be to register them into Prime10Cash.com for free and also teach them how to make more money from it.
From experience, 4 out of every 10 group admins you contact we will give you a nod.
- You can also use paid Facebook ads. With as low as $50, you can buy place your Prime10Cash.com referral URL in the faces of more than 500 people. If only 50 persons joins, you’ll be making $4 X 50 = $200 of raw cool cash. That’s $150 profit! Do this over and over again and keep making such amount continually. We’ve not even talked about the $2 you’ll be getting randomly.
2. Twitter – Tweet about your Prime10Cash.com referral URL. Get twitter account here if you are not already registered.
3. Banners & Posters – It would only cost you little or nothing to make an A4 advert, make as many photocopy of it as you can and post them around your environment. If you do your work very well, 20 people joining Prime10Cash.com via your link everyday means an extra $100 + into your account.
4. Forum – Forums are good places to meet and share ideas. Why not start a thread for this on Forums. Doing a search on Google will throw up list of viable forums you can use. Below are list of some of them:
5. Mailing List: If you have a mailing list, you can promote your shortened referral link to them.
Assuming you were able to get 100 sign-ups through your link daily, it means INSTANT $400 daily i.e. $4/person and another random $2 that will be coming to you here and there.
That’s it guys….
Promote and make money into your Liberty Reserve.
The secret is; the more you promote, the more money you make. So get to work now.
Withdrawing Your Money/ Converting The LR Back To Cash/Naira
Once you have made money into your Liberty Reserve Account and you want to withdraw, simply read this HERE on how to withdraw your money from LR. You can also make use the services of exchangers to convert your Liberty Reserve funds to Naira or into your local currency.
Please, do your diligence research around any exchanger you may decide to use.
How To Protect Your Liberty Reserve Account From Hackers
Yes, you now have a Liberty Reserve account, and may be with some dollars into it. You should also be mindful of the fact that ‘lions’ are roaring about looking for who to devour. So, don’t fall a victim.
You may start receiving phishing emails from people claiming to come from Liberty Reserve. Be careful with how you click on links in any of such email.
Take a look at one of such email I received recently:
Can you notice that the link contained in the email is hyperlinked to their fake link? If you are not careful enough, you may think that the link there is a genuine one.
Also know it that Liberty Reserve will always advise you by your name and not “Dear Liberty Reserve user”.
If you fall for such scam as this, you’ll end up clicking on a fake link that looks like that of Liberty Reserve, where you’ll be required to fill in your details. From there, they would get your real details and login to your Liberty Reserve account and siphon your cash.
Be warned!
That’s all for this free report.
In my next post l will share with you more ways on how to make money into your liberty reserve account. If you don’t want to miss these do subscribe above or click Subscribe to TaiwoPublishing by Email and after check your box for confirmation, after you have confirm your subscriptions you will never miss any of my post again. I’ll be glad to read from you! Be it comments, recommendations on how we can improve subsequent products, criticisms or otherwise. Keep them coming at taiwoibiyemi@gmail.com. Despite my busy schedule, I’ll do well to reply to them all.
Stay financially healthy!
PLS Click on the SHARE Button above after Reading this Report.
Visit www.ebookmarketingpro.com or call 07032723698 for more information.

To your success
Taiwo Ibiyemi

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  2. Did you know you can shorten your links with LinkShrink and earn money from every click on your short urls.

  3. I really like your take on the issue. I now have a clear idea on what this matter is all about.. ways to make money online

