The key to succeeding at anything - is persistence.
It's not being skilled at something. It's not even having a particular talent. It's simply good old fashioned - 'not quitting'.

Anyone that is successful at anything - will tell you that there were moments when they could have given up.

Giving up - is easy.

Traveling along a path less traveled - into uncharted waters - is tough.

It takes courage.

That's why most people will not do it.

Because - frankly - it's scary.

Making Money Online will require you to step out of your comfort zone.

Are you ok with that? You will need to get comfortable - with being uncomfortable.

And whats more - you will meet people along the way - maybe even family members - who will call you foolish.

Wish them well - think no ill of them - but equally give no time and energy to their comments.

Some however will have their heads turned by these doubters - will agree with their words - and will quit.

Others (will you be one of them?) - will politely acknowledge their comments - but soldier on regardless.

And when you have a moment of self doubt -- which we all do -- you may like to remember a couple of the following...

Here are some famous (and not-so-famous) real life examples of individuals who had others put up barriers in their path -- but they marched on regardless.

  • 'Nobody will watch a show about nothing...' -- what Jerry Seinfeld and co-creator Larry David were first told when they began to pitch Seinfeld.

  • 'There's no market for it. If there were, major airlines would already be offering it...' -- conclusion given to Fred Smith, founder of FEDEX.

  • 'People will rent videotapes, but they'll never buy them...' --opinion of media experts later proved wrong by Jane Fonda's exercise tapes.

  • 'A global, twenty-four-hour news network will never work...' -- network executives' response to Ted Turner's plans for CNN.

  • 'It's a cutthroat business, you've got no chance of success...' -- accountant for Estee Lauder, founder of the multibillion dollar cosmetics empire.

  • 'You're foolish to try and sell sparkling water in the land of Coca-Cola drinkers...' -- advice given to Gustave Leven by several consulting firms when hearing of his plans to launch Perrier in the US.

  • 'It's a huge risk and it will never fly...' -- aeronautical engineers evaluation of Bill Lear's design for a jet.

  • 'Personal computers are a hobbyist fad...' - prediction of IBM, Intel, HP and Atari.My favorite:

  • 'The feedback is the lowest we've ever had, lower than women's bowling, it just won't work...' -- the BBC's comments to Ricky Gervais after a test screening of The Office.I'm reminded of that famous saying by Henry Ford:

    'Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right'

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    To your success
    Taiwo Ibiyemi
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